Not really about the perspective part.
I'm saying that as a single by choice mother. A lot of it depends on the kid you get too. A colicky baby isn't fun for anyone. Fathers are prone to leave mothers when their kids are seriously I'll or handicapped. And so forth and so on. We're sold on the idea that all babies are going to be Gerber babies and that's a lie that is NOT dependent on poverty or financial struggles.
Agree about the regrets comment but I would add that a fair number of women who regret having children are women, married or not, who didn't really want kids to start off with but we're either convinced to by their guy and found themselves doing it alone literally or practically, ones who had a hard recovery time, got pregnant due to birth control failure and were talked out of aborting when they wanted to, or who had to give a lot up to be a stay home with the kid (like college).
Personally, I believe that the happiest and most content parents are the ones who REALLY want the kid and don't go in with pie in the sky type expectations.
I've loved being a mom and by the statistics, I should be the most miserable. Motherhood wasn't foisted on me. I wanted it and pursued it. I wasn't giving anything up. Sometimes it was still hard. But I was going to love my Urchling no matter how she turned out. I prepared for her. I worked for her. I adapted my lifestyle for our greatest well being and my sanity. And so forth and so on.