Not really. Because the US military does not involve itself in politics or in domestic arenas. That’s not it’s function.
Like it or not, Trump was the duly elected president for the 2016 to 2020 term. Therefore, until Jan 20 he is the Commander in Chief of the military. To simply remove him from office at this point would place them in an active coup and in violation of their oaths and the Constitution. Fortunately, they do not have to follow illegal orders; otherwise we might already be under martial law and the election could have been overturned at the business end of Army rifles.
Jan 20 that changes. Joe Biden becomes Commander in Chief. Their allegiance shifts to him. Biden isn’t going to order Trumpers rounded up, by the military at least, as they don’t operate on home soil. But if there’s an attack, again… things change. An attack or series of attacks would open the door for the National Guard to be called out for a response and actual military operations on home soil.
These fools are playing a dangerous game so what follows is all on them.