Not exactly. This came from another of his so called good faith debates. He put forth the premise that women need men to get things off the top shelf for them.
1st off, if that's the sole validation for your existence as a man, debate over. Lame doesn't begin to cover it. Come on.
2ndly, this was just hilarious. Prime example of the blindness of men. Allow it to break it down for you.
"Honey, can you come get the plates off the top shelf. I can't reach them"
Honey comes to get the plates down, completely oblivious to the fact that plates are used every day. Who put them up there out of reach? What kind of an asshole would do such a thing? Honey finds his wife "helplessly" stretching about a half inch on her tippy toes, leaning over the counter, struggling to reach those damned plates. He finds himself admiring the rather seductive way her butt is sticking out over the counter. Her fingers are grasping at the lip of that top shelf. So close.... awww. She's so cute when she's helplessly struggling.
Well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Honey reaches over her, from behind of course, just a little nudge you understand, to see if she's maybe receptive and gets the plates down.
"Is dinner ready already? Kinda early isn't it?"
(indeed - what a "coincidence")
"Oh, I guess it is. Well, would you look at that! I forgot to turn the oven on!! I can't believe it. Dinner will be another hour. Is that okay?" She plays with the hem of his shirt a bit, maybe puts her hands on his chest and looks at him kinda pouty. You know.
Honey can NOT believe his luck. Hot diggity! Play it cool.
"yeah sure, how can we spend the time though?"
"well.... we could..... if you wanna ....." her eyebrows go up suggestively and she looks toward the bedroom door.
"yeah, we can do that. sure."
And that, gentlemen, is how it's done.
So if you ever find yourself wondering why dinnerware that gets used regularly is on the top shelf "out of reach", don't be a dunderhead and really play up that stretchy thing. K?
Benny, seems to have dedicated himself to the argument that female ploys to get sex justify his existence as a man because clearly, he's not cottoned on it yet. Ergo, his presence to do something clearly trivial and unnecessary prove just how needed men are.
As kids, we learned pretty quick to clear out when Grandma had trouble getting something off the top shelf. In fairness to Benny, perhaps it was just more obvious because she was taller than he was. He still fell for it too.... every time.
Sometimes you boys are just beyond ridiculous. I'm sorry, but it's true. How do you tie your shoes?
I have to go laugh my ass off again at this now. But before I do, about the spiders...No, it was usually me saving the spiders from the men. Why kill them? They're just trying to earn a living like everybody else. And about the bone density.... it's called leverage gentlemen. As a woman, I have no need to show off how much I can dead lift when a rope and a pulley, etc will allow me to handle many times my own body weight. Yours too. Again, the argument is ridiculous.
I'm not saying men aren't useful or even handy to have around. I'm saying if this your A game, the best you have to bring to the table, the best way you could be of service or desirable to women, that kind of boys are waaaaaaaayyyyyyy off mark.
Might want to think it through a little better. Do something about that abysmal self-esteem clearly floating around in your head, cause damn. That's really pitiful. I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying it because it is well and truly pitiful.
Men are needed because of the top shelf..... BAHhahahahahahahaha
I'm being attacked by the hound, who thinks I'm having a seizure. I'm getting some smothering mothering.
Can't stop laughing though.