Not every relationship is worth saving. Further, you can only work on yourself; you can't force a belligerent partner to change and/or work on themselves. When you've married someone who doesn't want to truly partner and treats you like a fuckmaid... that's not likely to change. Might as well get out while you're young enough to find better, or at least find some peace.
Learning to get by with unhappiness and tolerating abuse and neglect just so you can say you're married and you stayed together isn't really something to be proud of. It's not even a good consolation prize It's more like giving up on yourself than it is solving a problem marriage.
When there's problems, and there always is, BOTH parties have to want to work it out and be willing to do what it takes.
My point here is that maybe instead of assuming women are just bailing out of disloyalty, boredom, spite, or whatever (all the current narratives), maybe consider they've realized they're the only one trying and the only one who's been trying. They've realized if they're going to be lonely in marriage anyway, might as well be alone. Married lonely is the worst kind of lonely there is. I'd say that regardless of who's walking out or filing, the responsibility for a failed marriage is still 50/50.
As for who's doing better after divorce, that depends on what you're talking about. Women are certainly happier. They're also more likely to live in poverty after divorce, especially if they've stopped working to take care of kids. In reality, that's a mixed bag too.