Not by feminists.
Woman does not equal feminist. Woman equals woman.
There actually aren't as many people living the feminist ideology as you probably think.
There are plenty (men and women) who use it as an identity (it's not a club or an identity), either as pro or anti to benefit themselves.
People tend to forget that.
Even Incels did not start out as how it is perceived now, a woman hating internet club. The term and original board was developed by a woman and the beginning groups included women. Misogynists took over Incel groups, drove the women in them off, and they became something else. But the original ideology remains, it's just obscured for the most part.
Feminism isn't that bad off because it existed pre-internet and exists outside internet spaces. It's also a social and politocal movement alongside being an ideology. But still, feminism gets used by a lot of people and orgqnizations or groups for their own ends. It takes a lot of intelligent discernment to parse it all out these days.