Not being listened to isn't enough to feel dogged. Nor is being followed. That's very normalized here.
It takes multiple nos. PUA culture has normalized trying to argue oneself into a date or a hook up, often using intimidation.
And even if that was enough to make me feel dogged, that would just leave me wary. It wouldn't leave me with such a specific impression about this guy looking to fleece me. You have to admit, that's pretty specific.
I do feel like I need to figure out what about this guy left that impression. Why I just disliked him so intensely almost immediately. Feels like that's important.
You're right about exuding competence. Certain types of dudes find it triggering or a challenge or what have you. Hence the following. The point is to try to make me afraid to up their testosterone. Fucking losers.
Lot of these guys have been on or are on hard stuff. They've lost impulse control and rationality. That's why the overall harassment is going up.
I live in Phoenix, which is both a drug, a homeless migratory, and a migrant worker corridor. So we have a lot of transients and a lot of disaffected people on the streets. As it gets hotter, it'll get somewhat better as the homeless and migrant worker populations migrates north to Seattle or California, and Alaska.