Dec 2, 2022


Not as a zygote it's not. Not as a fetus 21 weeks or younger it's not. It's not independent at all.

There is a two way flow of both cells and DNA between the fetus and the mother. The fetus is not a separate entity from the mother, it is part of her; it's also acting like a parasite preventing her body's natural inclination to expel it as a foreign object that doesn't belong there.

Remembering the distinctions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic from 1st year biology didn't make you the expert you pretend to be.

So. It's not independent. It's not autonomous. It's not a person. As such, it can't be murdered.

Abortion is healthcare. Abortions save lives. Bans don't stop abortions; family planning measures do.

The ignorant stance that women who abort are murderers is not moral. It's just stupid.



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