Not all white people are stocking up on guns. It’s a particular culture within the white population. I’m white. I don’t own a gun. I know how to handle one and I’m a good shot.
POC do have guns. Not all POC. There is a gun culture among POC as well.
Two weeks ago a guy got shot in the leg at my apt complex. He was Hispanic. He is buddy was Hispanic. His buddy dropped a handgun out of his pants pocket while we were waiting on an ambulance.
When the police arrived, he told them he got shot by a black he didn’t know. More likely, they were horsing around and he got accidentally shot by his buddy.
Most POC who are murdered are murdered by other POC who have guns. So, clearly, gun culture is not a racial issue. It’s a national problem among all groups.
Pointing that out does not negate the problem with white supremacy either. They are separate problems that are somewhat linked. Getting rid of all the guns will not solve white supremacy as there are lots of ways to be exploitative over race. Solving white supremacy will not suddenly end all murders by gun violence .