Nope. You said, "You're going to do a much better job of raising your daughter than any of these people could [raising their daughter]"
That's how the sentence structure works because obviously, we all raise our own children. You or me raising his daughter would never be an option. The only way that could come about would be adiption, which would make his daughter your or my daughter.
I can acceot that you did not mean to say that, but it is, in fact, what you said. It is the most logical, reasonable inference and that's why in English class, your teacher told you not to leave things danging like that.
If you can't be fussed to say what you mean right the first time, you can't call foul when a reader makes a logical conclusion based on what you did say.
And looking at the comments, hoocheecoo came to the same conclusion.
Because that's the logical inference.
You don't get a pass on this one. Feminists are raising our daughters AND our sons just fine, thank you very much. On the whole, they will be better off than their peers because they have been all along, coming up. Feminists are more deliberate and egalitarian parents. That fosters more deliberate and egalitarian children. Facts.