Nope. You only think so because the language and way weve been taught to think about it is androphillic by design.
A pear is submissive because it's penetrated by a willy. That's a choice of language. But is it true? Is it any morenteue or accurate, for example, than the pear engulfing, capturing, enclosing, enveloping, overtaking, submerging, seizing, imprisoning, catching, and devouring the willy?
Those words change the dynamic, don't they? Now your pear is a voracious predator. Aggressive. Demanding. Not shy, passive, cautious, or submissive.
It's primal. Feral. Wanton.
Also, your pleasure organ is not small, it's just mostly imbedded into your body, which is why female orgasms tend to be more powerful and last longer than male ones. They wish they had that ability. They've been jealous for eons because their sexuality is so superficial and limited.
Why do you think they work so hard to diminish, tamp down and erase yours with the constant circus of guilt and shame?
Learn to love and respect your pear. Anybody cans wield a stick and think that makes them special. They're just boys playing warrior and trying to get YOUR attention. So, which one is the weak one?