May 10, 2024


Nope that's the one. Critics are pointing out that it was all cillege aged men but I feel like this a derailment because statistically, you're more likely to be raped between the ages of 14 to 26, I think it was. And until you finish college and join the workforce, .ost of us soend the bulk of our days around our own peers, by age.

As men get older, they shift from physical "force" tactics and get more skilled at coercion and manipulation tactics.

"Dont hate the player, hate the game".

"She knew what she was getting into".

All that.

Honestly. Dating has become like an arms race of trying to get one over on the other. It's notike authoritarian minded women don't also manipulate and coerce men. They just go about it different ways.

But zero doubt, these users are ruining it for everyone else, the cultivators.



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