No. You’re making assumptions. I’m not talking about abortions. I’m talking about parenting.
80% of all single parents
are single mothers because the fathers have walked away and abdicated their parental responsibilities.
One in 5 children live with a single mom. One in 20 with a single dad.
Men can and do just walk away whenever they feel like it. Moms stay. By the averages.
Being an exception doesn’t make his truth what most other people live and deal with.
I object to his putting the burden of his opinion on women. He doesn’t deign to notice he’s doing that because certain types of guys never do, but he is. He’s worried about population collapse out of fear of loss, specifically not having anyone to care for and provide goods for him in his old age. Others, like myself, are more worried about the potential for population collapse from exceeding carrying capacity, that’s a professional concern btw.
Yet somehow, to his mind, that makes those who don’t want to have children the selfish ones. Talk about missing the plot!
The whole dressing up his argument by suggesting it’s a lack of gratitude on the part of the childless is just smoke and mirrors in an attempt to cover up his own self interest.
It’s like Elon Musk saying “we" should be making more children so he’ll have more workers and poor people to exploit in twenty years while claiming to care about the state of the world. Elon Musk cares about himself and only himself.
When these men start advocating for improving conditions in which children will be raised, I’ll consider they may just be speaking out of turn accidentally rather than deliberate callousness, selfishness and entitlement.
Not a moment before.