No. You see a negative spin because being male you’ve been socialized to think acknowledging emotion is bad.
You didn’t negate what I said the way you think you did. Let’s use an analogy to bypass your bias.
Imagine a man and a woman come upon a monolith carved in hieroglyphs. The woman, because she is literate can read the hieroglyphs. The man is not. By your logic, you’re assuming the man cannot see the hieroglyphs or is incapable of noticing them.
This is clearly untrue. He can see them and he knows they’re there. Since he’s most likely run across writings before, he also recognizes what they are, he might even be literate in another form of writing. He just doesn’t know what to make of these writings because he’s never worked with them before. Are they a history? Are they a warning? Are they a calendar/almanac for planting? And so forth and so on.
Men experience emotions the same breadth and depth as women. There are differences between individuals, but on average there’s no discernible difference between the emotional capacity of men and women on a biological level.
The difference is purely in socialization. Choosing to "specialize" in the literacy or expression of fewer emotions — like anger — over all the others as a performance of manhood.
The second half of your statement is just flat out ridiculousness and misogyny. You’re saying that because men are less emotionally literate that they are incapable of or don’t act on emotion. Reality shows us that men act on emotion and cause all sorts of drama all the damn time. It’s just a smaller subset of emotions; again, on average. Or are you trying to convince us all that men never act on anger? On jealousy? On envy? On pride? On lust? On love? You can try to convince us of that, I guess, but you’re going to get laughed at because it’s absolutely absurd.
Then you say that because women are more emotionally literate they are incapable of or don’t NOT act on emotion. Again, if you believe this, you’re experiencing a delusion outside the bounds of reality. I experience emotions every single day I don’t act on. Most children and husbands are alive and thriving today because their mothers or spouses did not act on an emotion at some point. Doesn’t mean she didn’t feel angry enough to throttle the culprit. Women regulate their emotions on the daily as part of that literacy. Then they choose to either act on it, or not. Again, you can try to convince us that women are always hysterical (acting on emotion), but you’re going to get laughed at because it’s categorically absurd.
The difference again, is socialization, not biological. Women don’t carry the shame that men do for expressing emotion because it’s not something about ourselves that is required to be suppressed or denied in the performance of femininity. We see it as part of being human, and a necessary part of embracing the breadth of the human experience. Those who deny that part of themselves, are denying and lessening their humanity.
Nice try. Not buying your bs though.