No. You differentiate into a male as a fetus because that’s what your genetic blueprint is coded for. Blame your father for that Y chromosome. It’s got Jack diddly shit to do with your future reproductive strategies, which are a choice by the way and not biologically determined.
You’re expendable as a male in society because patriarchy is predatory like a lion pride. Most of a pride is females and they do all the drudge work. Young males are driven off to die or roam alone rather than challenge leadership. When a pride is taken over by a more dominant male, all the young males are killed.
Compare that to the more egalitarian social dynamics of chimps or gorillas. Just so it’s said, we’re primates as well so evolutionarily speaking, our social structures should more closely resemble that of other primates instead of lions or other predators. Young male chimpanzees are not denied sex, they actually get first opportunity when a female comes into estrus. They’re also the least likely to father an offspring, because dominant males breed last. Bonobos have sex year round for pleasure and bond building. Amongst gorillas, young males are not driven off or murdered by dominant males. If they misbehave they are shunned into submission, mostly by females. Aggression exists as it does with every species, but petty acts of aggression are not tolerated. Talking about what we would think of as bullying, pecking, or harassment here. It’s dealt with communally when these acts go too far. Chimpanzees will go to war in extreme circumstances, but they all go, all the males. Young males aren’t sent off to die for the glory and advancement of older, wealthier, more dominant males.
So, if you’re unhappy with your lot in life stop whining to women about how unfair it is and help us smash the patriarchy. Clearly, it’s an unnatural and I’ll fitting construct for our species. Nobody but the few at the top is happy with the outcomes of patriarchy. You’re just preaching to the choir while watching them do all the drudge work of chipping away at Mordor in the burning sun as you stand at ease blubbering in the shade about how hard your life is. Quit the yowling, grab a pickaxe, and get to work.