No. We don't restrict people's choice to murder. We punish them for making that choice after the fact...sometimes. I could walk out my door right now and murder the first person I see. My choice. The state can punish me for having made it if they can find me, arrest me, and then prove I did it to a jury of my peers. In some places they could even murder me in return. Oh the irony.
But nobody is preventing me from making the choice to murder but me. It's equally my choice to not murder.
Somebody just going about their day isn't harming me so there's no reason to murder them. At some point, they may be helpful to me. Other people probably depend on them. Altruism is a good thing generally in social species.
I can't automatically say the same thing about a fetus. It may cause me grievous harm, even kill me. It's also not a person. It's a clump of cells acting as a parasite up until it's viable on it's own. I've been pregnant. I know of what I speak. Life sucking parasite. One that nearly put me in the hospital twice, not counting birth. One I had to get a special treatment to be able to carry because otherwise my body would have rejected any that followed or they would have died shortly thereafter due to Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn.
Lastly, abortion is about "using a woman's to murder". You're talking nonsense. It's clear you don't know what you're talking about. That's called a miscarriage and it's not murder —yet, though I'm sure conservative idiots would love to make it so. Its not like the woman has a choice if her body rejects a pregnancy. Sometimes things go bad. That's just reality. My great great grandmother buried 3 babies and lost no telling how many others from HDN before that shot was developed. You think that was fun or easy? You think it was by choice? You think that was murder? You think she should have been punished? You think the doctors should have let her bleed to death or die from complications of a miscarriage?
You need to sit down and shut up sir. Your uneducated opinion based on propaganda lies and hysterics is causing massive harm to people who have not harmed you. And frankly, nobody wants to hear your ranting nonsense.