Well, no, though you’re not comparing the same dynamics so it’s a false comparison.
A better, more accurate one would be a woman who slept with you "because you’re so cute!" but then demands you marry her. She wasn’t interested in you, she’s looking for a husband. Stat. It wasn’t based on caring, compassion, empathy, or humanity; it’s got nothing to do with you, it was a manipulative transactional maneuver. One you did not know you were being held to account for until the trap was sprung in your face. You’re a mark in the middle of getting played by a grifter.
That’s what "nice guys" do. They buy you dinner under the guise of a date and then claim you owe them sex. They offer to fix your sink or do other things for you with the expectation that you’ll pay the bill with sexual favors. And no, it’s not always easy to tell. It takes time, experience, situational awareness, and a little bit of luck. The first 3 are the only ones you have any control over.
Then they whine and complain about how badly women treat men. When you push and get to the bottom of this behavior, you find it’s not the rejection so much as it is that they’re pissed off because they feel like they’ve been stiffed out of what they’re owed. They’ll hang themselves every time if you keep bringing them around to account for their transactional thinking.
They think of all interactions with women in transactional terms and transactional terms alone. They cannot wrap their heads around that "paying" for something that is not on offer does not create a "sale". It’s the equivalent of going into a car dealership, plunking down a couple of thousand dollars, and trying to make off with all their computers and then getting pissed off when they call the cops on you and accuse you of theft.
A car dealership is not in the marketplace to sell computers.
Throwing "money" or value at someone without verbalized terms of agreement does not obligate them to provide what you want.
The problem here is twofold. Men treat relationships with women in transactional terms rather than humanistic ones. And, men do not understand how actual transactions are supposed to work in the first place.
BTW, it is not women who have missed the point of Schumer’s skit, though I suspect you have.