No they're not. Catch-22 is an impossible situation where you can't do one thing until you do another thing that can't be done until the first thing is completed.
First off, in order for their predicament to be true they would have to have no option to practice social skills except on unwilling recipients. Clearly, not the case.
In order to be a Catch-22, they would have to be completely out of control in the dynamic where something is being required of them that they have no resources, intelligence, or ability to muster.
Also, clearly not the case. Choosing to approach women like we are sex vending machines was and is completely within their control and was always their choice and NOT something we wanted or required from them.
Choosing to avoid women who are mad at men who have been abusing them on the dating scene and are en masse pushing back against years of that abuse is on them too. That's their choice, not some trap the poor dears are stuck in after having been drug there against their will.
Look at it this way. If I go up to a grocery store and therrs a sign on the door that says "Vandals will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law", I'm not turning around and walking away. Why? Because that sign is clearly addressing a problem the store has been havibg with a particular element of the public that has nothing to do with me. I'm part of the public, sure, but I'm also not a vandal, I have zero intention of further abusinf that store's trust and I still want my groceries. Notice the warning sign did not say, "if you come in here, behave yourself, handle products with care, and pay your bill were hauling you off in chains!'. No. It said "Vandals". "Vandals will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."
Lastly, saying it's a Catch-22 implies that men are incapable of behaving themselves. If that's the case, then we should just take these men out and be done with it, whether that's lock them up and throw away the key forever or put them down like you would diseased livestock, whatever. If they're truly that incorrigible, forever corrupted, zero hope of redemption, a true Catch-22, notgi g can be done ....then why would the rest of us allow them to continue degrading social bonds (the public Commons) and fucking up the dating scene?
As it is, I call bullshit. They absolutely can control themselves and make wiser choices in dating. They absolutely can choose to value and invest in social skills. There is a absolutely nothing inherently deficient in men that would keep them stuck outside their own choices.
And the minute one starts arguing that there is, even couched behind sympathy, then we have a dehumanization of men going on.
I will not let that stand unchallenged any more than I will the lunatic mutterings of dude-bros that dehumanizes women.
Men are not animals, enslaved to impulse. They are human beings.