No. They want to switch places, basically. They want to be desired that they get hounded and harassed in public. They want to be the swx object.
I'm basing it on what men say. They're saying this in lots of different ways.
I think they want it BECAUSE they feel like losers in society. But, like I said, instead of realizing their own part in the dynamic (because they aren't personally getting any benefit from it) as 'men', they want to switch roles instead of getting rid of it entirely.
My opinion, big part of this is because men see themselves as individuals only and refuse to see themselves as part of a group or cohort, unless they explicitly signed up for it yet they do not see women as individuals in the same way.
This means they get the idea that ALL women receive sexual objectification in thr same way and from where they're sitting, it's all good. They think women are making much ado about nothing.
They don't see how it's pitted women against each other and caused a lot of drama and expectations nobody wants, and depression.
But you're learning the hard way what objectidication does to a cohort.
Because you're right, men are being objectified as status symbols now too. Six six six. It doesn't matter if it's untrue looking at the broader population, it's what's being promoted by Influencers and the "Desireables", and media.
And what's happening?
Look how it's pitting men against each other. Competition is amped up. You've got alphas, betas, and simps. Chads and everyone else. Widespread depression. Men are developing eating disorders and self sabotaging. Low self esteem.
Again. It's mostly media driven.
That's what objectification does when you don't make the cut and you're incapable or won't learn to love yourself without external validation.
It's wild that these men desire to be objectified without realizing that they already are. They just didn't get the part of it that they wanted. But you don't get to pick and choose or be picked and get chosen. And it's all fashionable anyway because it's media driven.
Better, saner bet is to leave it all behind. Stop participating in the dynamic in any way.