No, they can not. Don't be absurd.
The closest Democrat you have to that sort of moral bankruptcy in my lifetime is Bill Clinton. And he's nowhere near as depraved as Trump.
Both of them were draft dodgers btw. That tells you a lot, right there.
Give me a break.
Back when Clinton was campaigning for office, the right was incensed! Mine you, incensed!! that the nation would even consider a draft dodger to sit in the oval office.
They were howling bloody murder. And it was nonstop. His drug use was used against him in a character worthiness way.
Trump comes along with his bone spurs and perpetual cocaine sniffles and it's all fine and dandy now. "It's all a show". "Libtard snowflakes can't distinguish personality from policy".
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Y'all are the biggest bunch of hypocrites that ever walked the face of this Earth.
Captain Bone Spurs needs his ass licked some more. Don't lose your spot on line to sit and argue with me. I'm never going to tolerate his "personality".