The misogyny is not bowing out and not dating. The misogyny is in what you said as the reason why. The reason that blames women.l instead of taking responsibility and accountability for yourselves. Since you seem to have forgotten, let's review:
"MGTOW exists for a reason. Some men are dissatisfied with how some women are today. That dissatisfaction leads to some men realizing their life would be better without women who don't offer or behave the way they would like."
As though women exist on this Earth to offer or behave in ways that are appealing to men. Not even all men. Just you. Because men aren't a monolith any more than women are.
In your second comment you dug yourself deeper.
"I don't like women with crazy colored hair, that's personal preference".
Sure. IF you chose to not date liberal, alternative women. Then you've made a choice based on personal preference.
But not all women are liberal or alternative. Many are conservative or traditional.
So if you decide to join the MGTOW ranks based on that flimsy excuse, you're placing all women as a monolith, and blaming all women because some women do things you don't like.
That's misogyny. Because you're not making a choice based on personal preference. You're throwing a tantrum because you can't control all women and pulling a "I'm going to take my ball and bat and go home. Wahhhh!!!"
Believing that women are required or should present and behave in ways that are pleasing to you is misogyny. Not only that, it undermines your fellow dude. There are plenty of guys out there who LOVE alternative women; tattoo, crazy hair, free spirit and all. Your attitude disrespects their preferences and if conservativism and traditional was forced on everyone, they would be deprived of love and relationships just as the women would be.
I know you don't care about women because you seem to think the universe revolves around you and your fragile little snowflake feelpinions, but maybe you've at least noticed some of these other guys enough to see how your attitude is both childish and churlish.
And maybe that small bit of compassion for and awareness of your fellow dude will show you how badly you need to get your head out of your ass. Best of luck with that.
You also stated that women today behaving like they are is "causing repurcussions" and that women should be held responsible for what they do and not think they should get away with it. Get away with having a tattoo? Dying their hair? Why are you so obsessed with what women you don't find attractive anyway do with their bodies, my guy? Why do you care? It's not like you could date or even want to be responsible for all women? Why can't you just mind YOUR business and leave other folks alone? Actually do the GOW part of MGTOW and leave that obsession behind.
This attitude too, is misogyny because you're obsessed with women getting away with not being tradition while very conveniently glossing over the repurcussions we all get to live with now because of the things that men have been doing. Like PUA culture. Red pilling. Following misogynistic influencers like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson. Spewing Manosphere hate on the internet. Praising men who murdered women.
That had repurcussions too Sunshine. But no. Let's make sure we blame and shame women for what's really important:
Getting tattoos.
Dying their hair.
Being single.
Being mothers.
Being single mothers.
Making choices for their own bodies.
Being too fat.
Being too skinny.
Wearing makeup.
Not wearing makeup.
Having a body count.
Being a prude.
I'm already bored. Finish your own damn list.