No offense, it you think k that way now because youre older.
High schools Colleges revolve around football, even small ones and even ones that don't have a football team.
Even a kicker is "living the dream" and to be admired. He's exactly the sort of guy that will hold sway amongst the young.
And make no mistake. These Christo-fascist institutions know they need to hook more younger people to survive.
I agree with everything else you said in your article. You had a lot of good points. I just disagree that it's not a public address just because it was given at a a private college. Also, younger people are more aware that we are all under the eye of a camera at pretty much all times now. You can and will be filmed at any time.
Like I said. Graduations and commencement addresses are meant to have and do have gravitas. It's very important when you're young; it loses its importance as you get older.
Its naive at this point for anyone to think it wouldn't have spread out to the world at large. Everything that is deliberately inflammatory does.