No. Now you're backpedaling.
In your article you said men are judging women by their looks and fitness.
That women should look beyond these 6,6,6 things in men and see the "whole man" who could be a 20 in our eyes if we weren't so shallow.
You did hedge that men look at women visually — at first. Or, shallowly would be another way of putting that. You clearly dismissed a woman's well earned accomplishments as being unimportant because they are not what a man looks at.
The obvious conclusion here is that you are tasking women with over valuing men (based on giving an average guy that 20 on what is widely known as a scale to 10) right from the start but not requiring the same of men. They get to continue judging women on the most shallow and superficial of things but then magically, supposedly, come to value the things about her that make her truly worthy in the fullness of time.
Because .... they're going to outgrow that shallowness and develop a new valuation system ... because .... because.... why? Exactly what impetus is going to bring about this fundamental change, given that there will always be a large surplus of fresh, young, "10" women?
Are we putting it down to divine intervention or lightening?
Why would they do this again?
No offense, but I think you're theories here are unsound. You're welcome, of course, to try them out yourself. Good luck with those. Let us know how that works out for you.
That's going to be a hard pass for me though. I'm not staking my future on the idea that a man who won't see me as a whole person in the first place will get struck by lightening or swatted by God and suddenly develop an ethos that doesn't make me an object for his narcissistic gratification.
You either invest in yourself and develop that shit on your own or you go through life being an asshole and alienating those who would love you.
It doesn't fall from the sky. There's no magic potion. No divine intervention.
Just hard work, self reflection, and humility.