3 min readSep 11, 2024


No, not exactly. They still feel entitled to sex and "loyalty" (relationships) from women but they think they're owed these thi gs and are being kept outside the gate of manhood by women, because women are "hypergamous" gatekeepers of sex.

You're not making a choice to do without something or go down a different path if you believe you are being prevented from acquiring what is your due. It's not like, choosing pursue the priesthood in the Catholic church, for example, or deciding to follow the Shaker faith tradition. People decide to take oaths of celibacy outside of religious or spiritual reasons too. How about recovering addicts? As part od their recovery, they are encouraged to abstain from new romantic relationships for at least a year. Sexual assault survivors and IPV survivors are also often encouraged or, on their own make the same decision. Lot of single parents ultimately choose abstinence and setting romantic relationships aside in order to focus on their children.

These are all people who make a conscious choice to abstain from sex and or relationships from a place of agency and understanding. It's not something g that they are being forced into or believe they are being unfairly denied, however ludicrous that belief is.

Look at it like this. You know how much I love analogies. I could believe that I am entitled to a job as a neurosurgeon because somebody told me it was what I deserved based on my eye color or the shape of my toe layout. I could then grow up, believing it was in the bag and that job would magically fall I to my lap upon reaching adulthood, and not invest the time and energy and training required for the job of neurosurgeon. Since it's my due, I don't need medical school. I don't to know anatomy. I just need to go collect my due and have it handed ro me. So I reach adulthood and start applying for jobs as a neurosurgeon all over the country and find myself getting laughed out od hospital after hospital after hospital. Turns out, I did need to know anatomy and medical school for patients to have confidence in my abilities. Who knew?

I could screech and holler about being deprived of my due till I end up on the street homeless or in prison for harassing hospital staff, or sectioned into a nice padded room somewhere off their south wing basement.

When I find myself on the street in prison, or on a mental ward, or whatever it's not because I made a conscious choice not to become a neurosurgeon. It's because I refused to let go of an unconscious belief that I was owed it without preparing and training for it and when I learned otherwise by all that rejection I made the conscious choice of being a belligerent jackass over the fact that I'm not being treated with the kid gloves a pampered child who gets everything made easy for him/her does by everyone in the world about my every whim just because Mommy and/or Daddy or whoever said I was super special.

That's who these guys are. Listen to them. Listen to what they say. Really listen. It (the self absorption and entitlement) always comes out. Always.



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