No, John Henry. Wrong track; not what I was talking about.
Men, whether they know it and recognize it or not, have been enjoying the fruits of women's sexual liberation. Never before in history have women been able to enjoy and explore their sexuality with means to eliminate most of the risk associates with it. We could have sex for our pleasure, with vastly limited or mitigated fear of potential consequences.
1. Birth control readily available for ALL women (at least in this country) with no moral attachment to using it.
2. Treatment for the majority of STDs, testing, and condoms/sex education tonprevent spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
3. Better reproductive healthcare all around and access (at least in this country) with reasonable resteicrions for some procedures (abortion) but no religious moral dogma attached to it.
4. More acceptability of delaying marriage and atarting a family before or in lieu of getting an education.
5. Better sex education that taught women to set aside shame about their sexuality and how to enjoy sex with their partners. Sex became something you willingly and wholeheartedly pursued for your own enjoyment rather than something you allowed to happen to you to keep your husband happy or from beating you.
You feel me?
Okay, now with reproductive healthcare being gutted thanks to the Dobbs decision and the inequalities that are ALREADY showing up thanks to disasteous christofascist policies, women are going to be less inclined to have sex with men, knowing that they could go to jail for a miscarriage (already happened), die from complications to childbirth and pregnancy (already happened), be denied care when something goes wrong until you're at desth's door (already happened A LOT), suffer permanent poor outcomes that impair your quality of life due to denial of care (already happened), have your life ruined from the consequences of pregnancy before you can manage one and raising a child (already happened), be murdered due to seeking healthcare or getting pregnant (already happened.
These same folks, the Christofascists, who worked for decades to prevent the Roe decision from becoming National law and then overturn the court decision? Well, they're already hard at work trying to outlaw female birth control and no fault divorce.
My point is, there are already more than a few women who were opting out of dating and romance. That number went up after the Dobns decision, partularly important for young women. They're terrified of getting pregnant in red states, even if they wanted families, they're now deeply concerned about something going wrong and dying a slow horrible sepsis death or surviving but not being able to have kids because of being forced to carry a pregnancy that was nonviable all along.
How much worse do you think it's going to be when there's no birth control and you can't leave an abusive or dysfunctional marriage?
Do you think women are going to want to date at the same rate or much much less? Given how on the whole, women are already fed up with men and their Peter Pan complexes?
Even inside marriage, the desire for sex will evaporate.
You guys think you're having a hard time getting love, empathy, compassion, affextion, and sexual attention now????
Just wait.
All you men crowing over this travesty are cutting your noses off to spite your faces. You just don't know it yet.