No it's not. And, to be clear I didn't say things would never changed.
I said misogyny would not end in my lifetime. And it won't. I also implied that women cannot end misogyny as they didn't create it, men have to want to end it since they are predominantly the ones expressing it (at least systemically), and men do not want to end it.
Recognizing and correctly identifying the landscape for what it truly is not self defeating or a self fulfilling prophecy.
You can't effectively alter the land for use if you don't know what you're dealing with. What's the climate, how's the soil, is it rocky, where will you get water, etc.
The bald fact of the matter is that men define their masculinity as an opposition to femininity, with everything feminine being labeled "bad" or "evil". They have hands down refused to entertain the notion that maybe they can define their manhood another way. Healthier for them and safer for women.
Until that changes, even if you got rid of every misogynist in the world and made crimes against women punishable with some real jail time, it's just a matter of time before misogyny would creep back into the male mind and tear it's ugly head.
Men have to change their thinking and they don't want to.