1 min readAug 2, 2020


No. It wouldn’t. We’re in serious trouble. We are in an obvious collapse.

The important thing to remember is that western civilization has collapsed several times already and has been able to reorganize itself and expand again. So it’s not like a collapse need be 'fatal' or then end of civilization. But it takes a willingness of that population to grow up, open their eyes, and buckle down and do what needs doing so that there’s something left for the future. Facebook is irrelevant and nothing but a mindless distraction.

The trouble this time is twofold. One, the previous collapses were able to reorganize due to expansion (colonialization). There’s nowhere left to expand, so we can’t use that strategy again although the (primarily GOP) war Hawks are giving it their best go. Mars isn’t going to cut it. 🙄 Two, this time the social and economic collapse is coupled with a global environmental collapse. One that people are willingly blinding themselves to. Consider the death and devastation that resulted worldwide across all cultures from the little ice age. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go read a book and educate yourself. Remember that ancient Greece fell in large part to a protracted period of earthquakes and volcanic activity and their inability to adapt and cope. The biblical story of the 10 plagues of Egypt is the story of an environmental collapse.

That’s what’s coming. Open your eyes.



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