No it doesn't. It points out that the social construct is a pyramid with the apex positions of power, prestige, and status going to a very few males. Inour case, it's older, wealthier, white men for the most part.
Everyone else is subordinate including impoverished, disabled, and gay/LGBTQ white men.
Only a few can stand at that apex. It's a pyramid. Everyone else is crushed below to varying degrees.
Think Yertl the Turtle. Same concept, except that was a stack of turtles rather than a pyramid.
That's what Patriarchy is. And it's not meaningless because of it.
Think about Biblical times. Abraham is the first patriarch of a tribe of Hebrews as described in the Bible. In that tribe, he's in charge. He owns all the wealth. He makes all the decisions. He's the one 'chosen by God' to be the seed of Gods people.
Do you think he was the only man in the tribe/household when he as Abram and Sarai left the city of Ur and set out in the desert?
Nope. He wasn't tending all those goats and sheep by himself.
He owned all the other men too. He owned their labor and accrued the wealth from it. He owned their children as assets. He owned sexual rights to their wives if he wanted them. He made all the decisions that affected their lives. He could order them to their deaths. He could put them to death without censure or recompense.
That's what a patriarchy is. Some things have changed.
But, think about your pisition in life and someone like Elon Musk or Donald Trump.
Are any indicator bells of similarity going off for you?
I'm going to assume you said yes.
Why do you think those bells went off?
Yeah. It IS because you still live in a patriarchy.