No, I missed that one.
One thing I did see was the breakdown by gender of addictions. Men seem to be more prone to addiction, which makes them bad and statistically even more lethally risky candidates as mates.
Also, in regards drugs vs alcohol, men tend to go for the super hard stuff that punches holes in your brain a lot more. Even if they get clean and stay clean, they're going to have to be carried and kept from doing stupid shit that could ruin you. They tend to get fixated on stupid shit that common sense and critical thinking should snap you out of relatively easily.
Imagine dating or being married to Mike Lindell. He's a crack addict.
Many of our elected leaders were regular users of cocaine or heroin. Some still are. But, you know....Jeebus saves. We see how obsessive and crazed they're acting.
Anyway, coming back to dating men, a drug addict may legitimately been seen as "economically unviable".