5 min readMar 1, 2021



Number 1, truth commissions are never a bad thing. They are bipartisan investigations, not something the Democrats do TO Republicans or Republicans do TO Democrats. They’re conducted jointly by and under the direction of Congress.

Right now, there are two truth commissions being proposed that I know about. One that will produce a detailed accounting of the election provided to the public proving to Trump supporters that he, his sycophants on the Hill, and Fox News mouthpieces lied and are continuing to lie about election fraud.

The other is a full investigation and accounting of what happened leading up to and on Jan 6. It will parse out involvement, frankly to the benefit of Republicans, because it will prove to Democrats that most people were down there to protest peacefully. They were ill informed (see above) but did not go down there with the express intent of murdering anyone, rioting, etc; nor were they motivated by white supremacy. By parsing out those who were — there absolutely were groups and individuals there with those agendas—we can bring them to justice and move forward without making enemies of millions of our fellow citizens and neighbors.

Why would you not want that? Are you afraid of the truth?

My hope is that Republicans will see that the same thing applies to BLM marches. Most people went to protest peacefully as was their Constitutional right. Infiltrators, Provocateurs, and in some cases govt response (including Trump running his stupid mouth on national news and other far right callous commentary) started the riots. Let’s not let the actions of a few make enemies out of millions of people who simply want a just and equitable society. They weren’t there because they wanted to cancel white people or whatever flavor of propaganda Hannity and Carlson want to try today. They were there because no one should live in fear of the police in an advanced society.

Rethinking who and how emergencies are handled helps us all. Bloodshed in the streets at the hands of police will be reduced across all races, including whites. Police will benefit because shooting kids or the mentally ill/handicapped isn’t easy to live with. They shouldn’t be burdened with circumstances that will give them their own mental health issues because of bad police procedure policy and training. Family members shouldn’t have their grief compounded with guilt because they called for help and it got a loved one killed. They shouldn’t have to grieve at all because it shouldn’t have devolved into a tragedy.

Aren’t you tired of tragedy? Wouldn’t you like to save money on policing? Wouldn’t you like your nation to be a place where such heavy policing isn’t necessary?


As for reeduction camps, that’s just laughable. It’s a conspiracy theory being pushed by Fox News based off a comedy show, Real Time With Bill Maher that featured Katie Couric and a sound bite from the left leaning show Morning Joe. There’s really nothing much here other than a failure to recognize hyperbole, comedy, and overly criticizing people for using poor word choice around an unusual situation.

Election Fraud is a hoax. A lie masquerading as truth spread as propaganda by the POTUS and Fox News. Republican leadership failed their duty and constituents by not refuting the lie because of political expedience, until after the damage was done. Some are still shirking their duty suggesting they are either completely craven or they, like their constituents actually believe it despite all evidence to the contrary and basic common sense.

So these comments are based around not really knowing how to describe the phenomenon and investment people have in this hoax. Brainwashing is clearly hyperbole because real brainwashing requires techniques like sensory deprivation/isolation, chemical drugging with hallucinogens, physical and psychological punishments, dependency, social pressure, and a regimen of obedience and humility. Real brainwashing occurs against a person’s will. So Trumpists are clearly not brainwashed, while some of brainwashing methodologies have arguably been in play in, not enough of them and not in high enough doses to have caused legitimate brainwashing. Further, Trumpists chose to believe the Big Lie of their own volition and intellectual indolence, they were not forced into it.

You can get a little closer to a working term to say that Trumpists are suffering from a mass delusional psychosis of their own making, like UFO abductees, where they have become so paranoid they can no longer tell what is real from what is imagined. This terminology isn’t quite right either because it deals with mental illness. The problems with linking political beliefs with legitimate mental illness don’t need to be laid out. But, if you shifted the idea of delusional psychosis to the political realm without the stigma of mental illness you would have an accurate description of what’s going on.

A person who has become so paranoid and distrustful of the State, it’s institutions, it’s process, and it’s members they can no longer tell the difference between what is truth and what is rhetorical propaganda within the political realm.

Is there a term for that?

So I just googled it. Go ahead, google the phrase and see what comes up. Links to a bunch or articles about post truth, hostile social manipulation, undermining democratic institutions, institutionalized disinformation, propaganda, etc. A lot of stuff outlining and mapping out the hows and whys of the phenomenon but nothing naming it or what to call the people trapped in and by it.

So that’s why you’re seeing stuff on “deprogramming" and reeduction camps. The left is struggling with language in talking about how to convince the ‘delusional’ populace that they believe a lie and Fox News pounced on that to create yet another conspiracy theory to manipulate their own viewership. They’re making a killing off you guys.

There are no reeduction camps and there won’t be. We don’t lock people up for political beliefs even if they believe a lie any more than we lock up people who believe they were abducted by aliens. We try to help them if and only if they want it. Otherwise they’re free to go to alien conventions and write books all they want. We contradict their claims with truth, logic, common sense, and healthy skepticism as much as we can so they don’t convince other weak minded individuals that little green men are going to prove them in the middle of the night. In a free society, that’s about the best you can do.

You may ask what’s the difference between that and your comment? Fair enough. The difference is in parallels to history, the ties to religion and religious beliefs, the fact that it was the right not the left that attempted to subvert the Constitution and overturn a lawful election, and the most extreme of the right have already staged and attempted murder against political opponents. We are on a road to a fascist authoritarian state. I don’t solely blame Republicans for this. But I worry about what they will do far more than I worry about what Democrats might do. People who believe that Democrats traffick children to fill their dinner plates can easily be convinced to murder thousands. Millions even, and be convinced doing so is a viable option to being industry back to the states.

Do yourself a favor and take a break from Fox News and social media for 2 weeks. See if it helps you clear your head a little.



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