1 min readAug 11, 2022


No. But you do need to be groomed. You need to dress in a manner that shows respect and signals interest.

You don't have to be rich to dress nicely. You don't have to she'll put for Gucci when a nice pair of well fitted, clean, unrumpled Levi's looks good. You don't wear an old sweat stained, holey, faded t-shirt out on a date (unless you're doing something that requires disposable clothing like paintball or something swampy or sweaty obviously).

You don't need a spend a lot of money either. You need imagination, ingenuity, and the ability to be companionable.

Hands down, the best dates I ever had were ones that were inexpensive or completely free and centered on fun. The worst ones were dressy, wine and dine type affairs centered on showing off.

Swedes know how to date really well. So do the Irish, the Navajo, Koreans, Sioux, and Norwegians. I dated a guy from the Ivory Coast once and he was a good date, but I've only met that one guy so I don't feel confident adding them to the list off of only that one guy.

American men mostly need a time out. They're going through some growing pains. Or something. Whatever. But it's rare to have a decent date with an American for the last two decades. Influencers have ruined dating.



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