2 min readMay 26, 2021


Nmm. I have a hard time with that last statement. It’s incomplete. It puts the underage set in danger because they have no choice, usually, about where and if they’ll attend church.

After you’re an adult though, you have choice and agency to leave. So, choosing to stay with that church puts women in danger.

I know you’re going to counter with women are being groomed for abuse in these churches. And you have a point. It’s even a very good one. But, once you witness something or, God forbid, experience something cringe worthy that you know gut level is wrong, you need to leave. And you need to make a show of doing so in the hopes that others will think about it and follow before they, in turn, are hurt.

It’s not right, it’s not fair. But, if we learned anything from #MeToo, it’s that men don’t care. No where near enough of them care for things to change. They pretty much said they’d stop abusing is when we made them stop.

So the impetus to change is gonna have to hurt. It’s gotta hurt their minds, hurt their wallets, hurt their pride, hurt their bodies, whatever. But in the end, being abusive toward women has to cost them more than what they gain from it or it will never end.

That’s not me being bitter, man hating, violent, radical, or whatever. That’s out of their own mouths.

So hurt his (and/or the church’s) wallet. File a class action suit for creating a culture of violence. Name names. Put them in the suit. Win or lose, you’ve held them to account. You’ll have been heard. Follow the money. Write letters and send petitions to everyone with financial ties to that church. Stop tithing. Encourage others to do the same. Disrupt service. End your membership there. If enough people leave they won’t be able to meet their financial obligations. Along that vein, get a petition together demanding his removal from the diocese. Write letters to other members and state your case. Be professional, but passionate about it. Ask for their support.

Whatever you do, don’t just sit back and take it. There’s been way too much of that. It’s time to fight back.



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