Neither. Obviously. Both bodies have shown themselves incapable of making the right call. They’re using my life and the lives of million of women for political theater and grandstanding. It’s disgusting. Thus, they’ve deligitimized themselves and have no right to make policy.
I want Roe left in place but would prefer if it had been codified as is years ago. But not by this Congress, see above. They’ve lost the trust of the people with their weakness, callousness, and abject stupidity.
If we’re just being completely honest, no law will prevent me or any other woman from having an abortion should I need one. And good luck catching me or anyone else. Abortion pills are a game changer. You can make your own equipment from instructions over the internet for a self dilation and suction abortion. Herbs like mugwort can be found almost anywhere. We’re going to continue to do what we need to do. They’ve just increased the risk.
What’s really got me riled up is that women who want their babies and have something go wrong are predominantly going to the the ones to die and end up imprisoned. Children who could have been spared will be forced to be born only to suffer and die. Doctors will leave the field of reproductive health for fear of imprisonment which means none of us will have ANY kind or very limited kinds of reproductive health care. So don’t get fibroid tumors, endometriosis, or cervical cancer. The stupid bounty law will turn neighbor against neighbor, and impoverish everyone because of legal fees to protect yourself. Suicides will skyrocket. Abuse will escalate. More women will be murdered due to pregnancy and expect more dumpster babies too. Child abuse will rise because women who were forced into motherhood often don’t make the best mothers; they tend to resent their children. Other privacy rights will be discarded. Republicans have made it clear that it won’t stay a state issue, because they’re going to try for a national ban (McConnell said that and draft strategies are in the works). Overturning Roe is the stepping stone to undo 50 years of positive progressive change. Interracial and same sex marriage rights will fall. Expect to see a resurgence of sodomy and anti-LGBTQ laws. Voting rights will further erode. An so forth and so on. There’s really no telling where it might end.
That leaked draft is asinine. Despite Alito’s "assurances" that the reasoning can and will only be applied to overturn Roe, the logic he used to get there shows that is categorically untrue. How does this man have a law degree? Has he gone senile? Don’t even get me started on all the Matthew Hale dog whistles and where that will inevitably lead if allowed to become the law of the land.
And you know what else? **Might want to duck and cover cause I’m righteously pissed** If Amy gender traitor Barrett is so fucking worried about the supposed shrinking supply of (white) domestic babies for adoption then she can compel the government to fucking subsidize them just like they do with any other economic product or like when they make payment for property seizure under imminent domain. And they can pay all the damn costs of production too. You don’t get to fill your husband’s or the nation’s quiver using my body to do it. This is not old testament times and I’m not your God damned servant to be handed over for impregnation. Do not confuse me with a cow just because you like to play barnyard romp in the bedroom. Fucking bitch. What a god damned cunt.
To summarize. Like every other rational woman I want the government to keep its greedy little mitts off my womb and stop acting like its Saturday night down at the Uterus Stomp Bar and Grill. No cover charge and 1st drink’s free for Jack booted thugs dressed up like politicians and judges.