Nov 20, 2021


Nah. Not really. You’re not wrong. New writers need encouragement, not unnecessary derision and scorn because you disagree with their content.

Medium is not a platform for hard hitting journalism, though it doesn’t exclude it. It’s a platform for opinion pieces, personal essays, humor pieces, and short form educational pieces (historical, science, maths, hobbies, etc). To pretend otherwise just to shred someone else’s work to build yourself up is kinda ... what’s the word were looking for here .... predatory? tyrannical? sociopathic? mean spirited? rowdy? annoying? ruffian? harassing? bulldozing? persecuting? tormenting? browbeating? intimidating?

You had a good one. Bullying. 😉

Somebody wants to play that game, they should expect at some point they’re going to get checked.

Bullies never stop on their own. They are stopped by someone bigger stepping in or the collective group turning against them and giving them no quarter.



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