My response would be showering is hygiene, not sanitation.
Your questions were answered.
You haven't disproven anything.
Your zealotry makes you the delusional one. Continuing to use the term murder and aoolying it to abortion is irrational and factually incorrect. You cannot murder a clump of cells and a a clump of cells is not a person.
If I hack off a piece of your flesh or yank a scab off, that is destroying a clump of cells. They are human cells with human DNA. But you weren't murdered. The clump of cells weren't murdered because A CLUMP OF CELLS IS NOT A PERSON.
A zygote is not much more advanced than an amoeba or any other microbe.
What you're suggesting makes people who wash their hands mass murderers of an unfathomable scale because all those microbes also do tain human DNA.
The presence of human DNA does not equate to personhood. It's not even part of the definition which is defined as a human being regarded as an individual.
That clause makes the personhood. A zygote is not an individual. It cannot exist autonomously.
The legal definition of murder hinges on that personhood.
You cannot murder a clump of cells. A clump of cells is not a person. Abortion is healthcare. Bans don't stop abortions, family planning programs and initiatives do. Abortions save lives, they do not kill babies.