My choice of what to talk about has to do with me being on the bus when I made that comment, as evidenced by all the typos, meaning I'm having difficulties making the comment in the first place and also on a time crunch.
Secondly, I wasn't writing an essay myself, I was making a quick 30 sec comment.
Comments are comments. Essays are essays.
Also, Matt specifically brought up "not listening". That was his prime gripe from his comment. I didn't pick that, he did.
Keep up or butt out.
As far as shoe tying goes, I will reflect back to you your own argument. Just becaue YOU think YOUR way is better doesn't mean everyone will. There are MANY reasons why people may not want to consider your insistence that they tie their shoes your way.
Perhaps for them having to retie laces is not a world shattering event enough to be browbeaten about it for hours on end in that right leaning, very unpleasant, screaming, authoritarian fashion.
Perhaps their dad died when they were 6, and tying their shoes the way their dad taught them is what they have to hold on to. They're going to tie their shoes that way out of nostalgia come hell or high water and fuck your criticism.
Perhaps they have arthritis or an old hand/finger injury that didn't heal right and untying them your way causes them unnecessary difficulty and frustration. They'd rather just retie them when and if they come undone.
Perhaps they find your way unsightly and they just don't like it.
Perhaps your way changes the stress and pressure points on their feet that is uncomfortable or causes swelling.
Maybe they just don't like you and really wish you'd shut the hell up about how to tie shoes. And also everything else. Tthey're not going to consider BECAUSE it's coming from you. (you might want to pay special close attention to this one because it's exactly why the right refused to listen to the left about the tariff issue and project 2025. We're all about to see in real time how that's going to work out.)
Maybe they don't want to take on the burden of adopting a new way to do things. Just because it's a small thing for you, doesn't mean it is for them. Maybe their plate is full to overflowing already.
Maybe the timing is bad or inappropriate. For example, were you barking out 'This is how shoes should be tied' exposition at a funeral? Or a concert? A wedding? Or when someone else was already talking about something else? (Might want to pay special attention to this one too because its a bad habit of the right. They tend tonthink whatever pops into their head must be shared, considered, and given full legitimacy and agreement right then and there because it was THEIR thought tangent, regardless of what else is going on. Happy Holidays everyone)
There's more, but I'm out of time again.