2 min readJun 7, 2023


Most women don't like men who need constant validation as attention because it makes them seem like children.

There's some nuance here. Everyone needs validation of a sort. We all need to knownthatbwe matter and we're important to the group. So, wanting validation is an important part of being a social species.


When that need for validation is expressed as constant attention seeking behaviors only, it gets annoying super quick. It's like the kid on the playground going down the slide.

"Look at me, Mommy!

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!

Watch me, Mommy!

I'm going to do it Mommy! I'm going to go now! Are you watching Mommy? I'm going to do it now!

Watch me Mommy. Watch!

I did it!! Did you see me, Mommy? Did you see? Did you see me do it? I did it. I went down the slide! Did you see?"

That's one.

That kid isngoing to gondien the slide 50 more times and it's going to be the same spiel EVERY time.

This is how men who need women to validate their existence come across. That's why it's so cringe. It's like, "Fuck's sake. Exactly how many times do you expect me to watch you doing the same basic ass thing everyone else also does over and over and be super excited bout it because you're doing it with a penis?"

I mean, if we're just calling a spade, a spade and saying the quiet parts out loud....that's it.

But we also need to understand that this particular maladaptive behavior desperate men do, is not the same as just generally wanted to feel validated as a human being and as belonging within a pair bond, a family, or a community. That's completely normal and natural. Nothing wrong with that. And it shouldn't disturb anyone because they need and express the same thing. We all do. So we need to be careful about being clear what we're talking about here.



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