Most TERFs aren't truly Trans Exclusionary.
What they are is against the gender essentialist agrument put forth by *some* Trans Activists.
But, like with everything else online, the loudest most extreme voices get the algorithmic boost. But are these people really who they claim to be?
Are they studied on the issue or are they really trolls or troll-like?
When I see a TERF "feminist", with a few exceptions, it's always someone I've never heard of before. You'd think, I would have given I'm a feminist, I follow and read feminist literature and writing, all the things. You'd think I would have run across some of these folks before now, you know?
Women like Rowling snd Atwood are obvious exceptions. Whrn you dive into it though, you find she's not saying what many TransActivists are accusing her of saying. Had it turned vitriolic over time? Yep. Has she made some errors and missteps? Yep. But she has never been against basic human rights for Transpersons. The charge that she has is a lie. Also, certain TransActivists, who, interestingly enough, tend to be of a certain type (pandering to the male gaze and dogmaticslly driven by the gender essentialist argument) have been extremely brutal toward her and others for a prolonged and sustained period of time. With zero appreciation for the irony, they all woke up that next morning and decided to choose violence. Like a dude. A dude demanding these women accept the gender essentialist argument that really and truly, they have a female brain and so therefore know everything there is to know about being a woman. Especially more than old bags like TERFS who are just jeaous that they're not as sexy.
It's an interestinf juxtaposition from Transwomen you meet in real lifez who are generally warm and caring and run the gammet in how they want to present themselves, interestingly enough, just like a born girl.
Transmen are pretty much invisible and talked over. I find they tend to have the most thoughtful, nuanced, compassionate thoughts on the matter. Unsurprisingly.
So let's just say there are some pronounced oddities going on between what you see online and what you observe IRL that have yet to be sussed out to anyone's satisfaction. We all seem to kind of know it, but it's fuzzy. It feels very manipulative is some undetermined way.
For clarity, I should.tell you that I categorically reject the gender essentislism argument. I find it to be one of the boils on the butt of humanity. I don't buy it. It makes no sense whatsoever and it's done a lot of harm to all of us.
It's bizarre beyond the telling of it to me that a group would use that argument as a reasoning for free expression of self.