2 min readApr 23, 2024


Most misandrists don't hate men because it gives them some kind of internet street clout, because they think they're better than men, out of some sort of grievance negativity loop based on not getting from men what they think is their due because they are women, because that's how they define themselves as women (the antithesis of maleness) or because they believe men are inherently evil or sinful.

These are the reasons men hate women.

In the flip, you see exactly why that hate men have for women is so fucked up on every point. Every. Point.

The vast majority of misandrists hate men because men hate women. It's reactive. Or because they have been so harmed by male hate and violence toward them that they don't trust you men. Hate becomes a means of self protection.

So. When you spew hateful things, like most of you do, or entitled things, etc., you're proving to the misandrists that you're incapable of any sort of compassionate, filial, respectful feelings toeard them and they're right to do whatever it takes to keep you away from them.

At least, that's generally the way it goes for the ones who wear the label like a badge of honor.

There's another manifestation of misandrists though that men don't identify; probably because of the label itself. To them, you prove yourselves to be willing dupes, easy targets, easily manipulated clowns they can take advantage of. They'll have you working three jobs just to support them till you drop dead or something better comes along. And you'll go along with it. Chest thumping the whole way to your early grave. This is the Phyllis Schlayfly method of misandry. Men are meant to be sperm donors and beasts of burden. That's your purpose, and really all you're fit for.

You should really listen to more feminists. We believe you're capable of and meant for more.

But you do you.



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