More like it’s something about men a lot of modern women don’t care about anymore.
I like your bird displaying analogy. But if you want to understand the female perspective on this, let’s shift from birds to certain whale species. I think Right whales is applicable, but I’d have to look it up to be sure.
During breeding season, males will relentlessly drive females, they will separate a female in estrus from her group and pursue her to exhaustion until she finally reaches readiness for mating and chooses one of them. In other words, they dog her.
That’s kind of where women are. Exhausted. Disheartened. Apathetic toward men. Repulsed even, sometimes (I’m not talking about toward an individual who’s acting egregiously, I’m talking about the idea of being around men at all has become somewhat repulsive for a lot of women).
Whales have two advantages over human women. One is a breeding season. Sure, they get dogged worse than us human women but the time frame is limited. With women it’s some dude somewhere ALL.the.goddamned.time up in your grill, disturbing your peace, and demanding your attention… usually over stupid stuff or just being a general jackass to validate his manhood for his bros. That competition never ends, right. We’re tired of being the shanghaied judges of your never ending pissing contests. Isn’t there an app for that yet? Why not?
With whales, the males very rarely harm the females in their pursuit. When they do, it’s ALWAYS an accident. None of them ever set out to assault her, degrade her, humiliate her, hurt her, rape her, or kill her. In other words, they don’t CHOOSE violence as part of their “look at me look at me" buffoonery.
Do I really need to point out that human males are pretty much the planet’s only rapists and murderers of their own species’ mating partners? With species where one or the other does happen, it’s usually an indicator of environmental/species decline, but it’s not something the animal chooses. They’re driven by their biology.
With humans, cause we’re “thinking man, rational man" it’s choice. We’re the only species, so far as we know, that has ever achieved consciousness enough to elevate ourselves above the base instincts of our biology.
But apparently dogging women is just super fun. Couldn’t possibly give that up to actually earn the sapiens name. Nope. Can’t have that.
To make a long story short, it’s not that we don’t know why you men do some of the things you do, it’s that were just too tired to give a rat’s ass about it anymore. Knowing is not going to change or improve things for us. And there’s this big, long, never ending line of you looking for attention and pouting that you didn’t get it.
Sometimes I wish I was a whale. The quiet must be nice and at least I’d only have to deal with male displays of desire for about 50ish days over a 6 month span every 3 or 4 years. Or so.