2 min readFeb 27, 2023


More double standards. I'm shocked. Truly. Not really, it's Monday.

Say....wasn't it you guys who shamed women for years for being heart broken for getting dumped after sleeping with a guy, claiming that it was their own fault because we women should have realized that for men love and sex isn't the same thing?

Don't tell me you've forgotten that shit. We women haven't. ;-D

Yeah. That shit got peddled and flung in our faces for YEARS.


So now that we women are enjoying our sexuality too, and doing the exact same thing of getting experience with quick flings (sowing our oats, as it were) with your more attractive members while ignoring the rest .... you boys are having kittens about it. Even though love is not the same as sex.

Again, I'm shocked. Not really, it's still Monday.

Funny how you boys always blow your lids and try to goalpost shift as soon as the tables eventually get turned. And they always do get turned. The whining and crying always starts up when you boys start receiving what you dish out.

Being disregarded sucks doesn't it? Makes you feel unloveable and invisible, don't it? Makes you feel like you're only wanted for one thing, huh? Don't feel sorry for yourself though. Your nearest plastic surgeon can fix all that's wrong with you and you can do wonders with make up and corrective clothing. Gym memberships are within everyone's means. There's this new cream out on the market that will grow your muscles (with a balanced lifestyle, of course) AND tan your skin. If nobody wants you, it's because you're fat and lazy.

You boys built this landscape by refusing to acknowledge women's humanity and prancing around with this attitude that our sole purpose in this world is to pleasure and validate you.

You best be thinking about where the current attempted goalpost shifting will lead in due time and rethink that shit. Because it's obvious to everyone else. I'm just saying. In the meantime, hide the knives from yourself and book a room at the nearest eating disorder clinic.

What you put out into the world comes back on you, my guy. Y'all best learn to keep that in mind and stop sabotaging yourselves by using, abusing, dehumanizing and manipulating women.



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