More about rules. Everyone knew their place and stayed in it.
But they're Influencers selling a vision that never truly existed. Plus, they're selling a lofestyle aesthetic, called TradWife, that is anything but what the lives of tradirional wives were during the time.
Those of us old enough to remember our mothers and grandmothers who raised families during that time see it for exactly what it is. Bullshit.
Even in the best of circumstances, you swallowed a lot of bullshit that eroded the sanctity of the self because you had to. There's always a price to that you're gonna have to pay, going along to get along.
We all want simpler. Just be mindful about what you're willing to trade for it.
Plus, there's nothing in the world stopping any of us from simplifying our lives in ways that benefit us. And we don't have to lose our damn minds to do it.