Men turning to Tate and Peterson isn't a symptom, it's part of a pattern for why they're lonely in the first place. It's just another link on the same chain that's been there all along.
"Andrew Tate is a symptom" is a cop out.
Men cannot have it both ways. You cannot set yourselves apart, elevated above for some imagined status and yet be a part of something too. That's not how healthy mascuminity works, how it's ever worked, and yet there has developed a detrimental cultish cultural myth about manhood that isolated men and leaves them lonely.
The cognitive dissonance is insane. Guys will stand sentinel to cosplay being a "provider and protector" yet not have the first clue what their family needs or what they need protection from. And it's all a farce now that makes them look like clowns. But they're doing it to themselves. Andrew Tate didn't do that.
There's more stuff like that too, but it's late. The point is, men need a reality check and a "come to Jesus" reckoning with their own gender tropes straightjackets. And until they do, they're going to continue floundering.
When you let economisists and philosophers convince you that you have no inherent worth other than to be sperm donors and beasts of burden because you are men....expect that belief to fry your noodle sime and make your life miserable. You will brutalize yourselves and be fodder for society to brutalize too.