2 min readApr 4, 2024


Men do benefit, more than they seem to realize.

They don't all benefit.

And yes, part of that is being able to talk about men's issues.

That said, I'm not going to misrepresent the fact that I, like a lot of feminists, have a big problem with the way so many are going about it.

In the comments sections of feminist articles as a whataboutism to their argument about women's problems. Also, that because they're using their own problems as a weapon or a reason to dismiss women, there's no follow through. This makes me angry on two fronts. For men who truly are auffering and could use someone to advocate for them or on their behalf when and where it matters who understands. Instead, this energy is wasted to put women down. It's a men are their own worst enemy situation. Then, these same male advocates will snipe at men elsewhere in comments and articles to advantage themselves. Secondly, there's this tendency to labor dump, in a "my problems are more important than yours so you need to put your own needs aside and take care of me" attitude about it from them.

And that's not even touching on how prevalent it is for women, particularly single mothers to be blamed for men's problems and everything else that's wrong with society.

Lastly, men cannot take even mild criticism. It's whole hog or nothing. Even when said criticism is an agreement of their general argument but with a refinement or reframing. For example, the draft. Most feminists agree that the draft is unfair to men. They will disagree that fear of being drafted is of equal weight on the current political landscape in the current time frame than reproductive rights because the draft hasn't been enacted in over half a century and reproductive rights are under clear assault currently, with more to come. You have to prioritize. And that's usually based on greatest need, most urgent considerations. Doesn't mean you don't care. It means there are no super humans. You HAVE to prioritize. They generally agree that the draft is unfair to men but may consider that the best solution is not to make women eligible for the draft so it's "equal", not counting the wealthy who usually instigate these wars with their greed and avarice and will buy their way out of them. The better solution is to eliminate the draft altogether or insist that if one is called everyone fit to serve is called up, unless they are parents, and decision makers who enact it must put their blood on the line along with everyone else they're choosing to send. Front line. No exceptions. Themselves or their own children/grandchildren.

Be real. Those are damn fine arguments that DO NOT invalidate men and men's issues.

But all men hear is, "women don't care about men."



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