Men can choose to not produce a potential child by getting a vasectomy, wearing a condom, doubling up on birth control during fertile times, or abstaining from vaginally penetrative see during fertile times.
They make their choice by flippancy and inaction.
If women have to be punished by the state for getting pregnant, aka "consequences" then men should also be punished creating those babies, aka "consequences".
It's a two person crime, after all.
However, if the state, religion, companies, and other people (society) got their fucking noses out of it...and everything punitive about having children was eliminated then I would agree with you. That may surprise you. Lol.
But the fact remains that the best thing for that child is for the people in their life to actually want to be there enough to invest in them and care for them as they should be cared for.
So if a man who fathered a child finds himself insufficient to the task at hand, let him bug off free of guilt or consequence. Just don't be thinking you'll be getting the respect and admiration that being a father provides, no raises or promotions because "you have a family to support", no visitation, no parental rights, no access to the child or the mother...just get the fuck out of their lives and don't try to come back when you're old and need someone to care for you and think that you're owed that because you're their father. All those perks go to parents. And that's not this guy. He opted out.
A sperm donor is not the same as a Dad. Never was. Never will be.
Either go all in. Or get gone. Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I also think the same for mothers who abandon their kids.
And that the state should have a program for optional sterilization for anyone who wants it so there will be fewer unwanted babies produced and that investment should be made to research means to turn reproductive cycles off for both men and women. Something "freezes" and preserves your reproductive functions that is noninvasive or only mildly invasive, has no hormonal side effects, is a one treatment permanent until you undo it type of option. Get there and nobody's having babies until both parties want to.