Meh. They’re just getting back a dose of what they put out there thanks to social media. As it’s often anonymous and not face to face they’re getting to hear what people really think without filter or fear of reprisal.
We all are. Social media is like humans getting species wide telepathy in a lot of ways. Everyone’s worst and best thoughts are digitized for all the world to see. Turns out none of us like each other very much.
Now, the rest of the world was already well aware that white men either out and out hated them or felt them inferior. But because white men held power, they were appeased, like you would a baby to prevent a screaming fit.
So, it’s not that they’re being demonized or vilified so much as it’s just that the truth can’t be hidden any more. Like any other toddler who becomes too spoiled, they’re being made to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around or for them. You can’t be pampered and coddled forever. It’s time to grow up. Other people exist and have value too and they are just not as special as they thought they were.