Meh. It’s almost as if we decided to tag all qualities that belong to all humans as either 'masculine' or 'feminine’. Then we put men (masculine people) in a societal place of primacy over women (feminine people). Then we had to figure out which men got all the top slots of power and money, and that the best way to do this was to choose the ones with the most and stronger traits we had labeled as ‘masculine’. To do this, those men had to kill all the feminine traits inside themselves, you know—show no weakness. The more feminine traits you could kill in you, the more other men respected you and followed suit. Soon, being feminine in any way, ergo being a woman, was bad. Weak. Corrupt. Deformed. Evil.
So now nobody wants to be feminine anymore (hold qualities labeled 'feminine’), even the majority of women. Ironically, especially even the women promoting “submissive femininity" anew because they’re doing so to make money and they claim it provides protection. It’s all aesthetics — nothing truly caring or compassionate about it. To be 'divinely feminine' you are loathsome; you are literally loathed, scorned, persecuted, and eventually abandoned for it.
So now nobody cares and society is degrading because of it. The commons, that unspoken but tacit agreement we hold between ourselves that makes society function in the first place is eroding under our feet as we speak.
We don’t care anymore because we killed the divine feminine in ourselves in the pursuit of power, money, and violent pleasure in service to the MALE God of a wandering sheep herder who was likely cast out of his tribe for his disharmoniously belligerent fascination to this 'masculine' ideal and his own ego.
Yep. We sent that Divine Bitch packing, just as he sent Keturah and his first born son into the desert to die.
When it comes to the homeless and the helpless, we’re all just following his lead.
God wills it. Right?