Maybe they should have cast a bear alongside "Johnny" to help with the pacing.
Hear me out.
There's two really good options here as far as storytelling goes that would make a great horror film that we haven't seen before.
Option 1. One of those snatch and hunt horror movies. Psycho kidnaps a girl and takes her to the forest where he intends to hunt her down for sport. HOWEVER, on his last hunt he accidentally killed a bear cub and set the body on fire after mutilating it.
So now while he's hunting the girl, the bear is hunting him and helping the girl. The girl finds the burnt body of the cub, makes a sort of unspoken pact with the bear and they work together to take him out. They kill him by setting his body on fire, eat his popcorn while they watch his body burn, and then the bear leads her back to a road where she can be rescued. The End.
Option 2. Psycho is after girl in the woods. But he's nuts, right? So he's for this thing about being chosen because the whole man vs bear thing has driven him over the edge. So every time he gets ready to kill her, he demands she choose him but she says, "I choose the bear!" So he runs her down for rejecting him, and raises his hand for the death blow when he hallucinates a bear running at him to maul him and he runs away screaming.
The girl gets up and keeps trying to make her way out of the woods and this keeps happening over and over. It's sort of an impotence comedy of errors.
Eventually, she realizes there's a chance she's not going to make it before he's able to complete an attack on her so she starts following a bear trail in the hopes that in his fear, he'll back off or the bear will get either of them, because it's the better option. In the end, the bear gets him, while she watches from safety. But the audience doesn't know if it's a delusion again, or for real. That gets left hanging. The end.