Maybe courts are getting tougher on dead best dads. And I don't have a problem with young men being told that by their families and such. Young women are told the same so there's no double standard. Plus, there's a lot of truth to that. If you cannot afford the consequences, you shouldn't be doing it. That goes for anything that's going to cost you one way or anotherz and it goes for anyone involved.
The argument about pro-choice should equate to financial abortion is ridiculous the way it's handled. But, I'd actually be on board with that, provided the man agreed to a vasectomy so this doesn't become a pattern and signs over any parental rights. You want to walk away then walk away but no contact and don't expect the rest of us to foot the bill for you to dick around your whole life. None of this jerking the .other and kid around, popping in and out of their lives on your whim. Children are not dogs you can tie up in the back yard when you get tired of them.
I stand by the fact that the best thing for the child is to have people consistently in their lives who actually want to be there. Plus, I'm all for drawing down the population.
Thanks for the engagement.