Maybe consider that you're getting worked up and anxious about something you've clearly already for down.
A bully is someone who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable. Is a predatory act, so it will have an inherently predatory context. Just being large and taking up space does not make one a predator. Giraffes and elephants are large, but they don't prey.
As a verb, to bully someone means you're actively seeking to harm, coerce, or intmidate in the moment. The important point, is that it's actively going on, right then. That's going to be hard to miss. This guy was lounging, what might be considered a mild, public form of snuggling, and patenting. Based upon your description, there was nothing threatening in his actions.
You correctly assessed that.
To answer your question more directly, you already did all you need to do. You observed a potential threat and you monitored to see if it panned out. It didn't, so you didn't intrude.
Ultimately, all women are asking is that men return to their fair share of upholding the Commons. We all have to do our part and there's lots of ways to do that. I did my part this morning by notifying the city that a storm drain had become clogged. Now that they know, tbeylk send a crew out with equipment to take care of it. So I saved the city and my neighbors some money, time, and loss by reducing the chances of a flood. It was 2 minutes out of my day.
The other day I shamed a guy who was fat shaming my friend because she wouldn't give him money she needed for a bus pass. That could have escalated because she was terrified. But I got loud and he got embarrassed and left.
Some other guy last week lost his pass so I gave him an extra so he wouldn't be late for work.
You help out where and how you can. The idea is to get away from "every man for himself" and get back to recognizing that as part of a society we each have an individual responsibility to the Commons. If we don't do our part, the Commons falls and society collapses.