2 min readNov 13, 2020


Masks are not diapers and they are not muzzles. Another polarization that is damaging on both ends and I’m sick of hearing it.

The muzzle analogy is kind of interesting, though, because muzzles don’t prevent dogs from barking. It prevents them from biting. So masks (muzzles) don’t violate freedom of speech, they help prevent you from infecting someone else because you may not know you’re carrying the virus. Which is what the CDC has said all along.

If you can’t handle some mild discomfort to protect your fellow Americans, then don’t wear a mask. It’s your right.

But stay away from others. Be responsible and considerate enough to let your family, friends, and associates know your exposure risk so they can make an informed decision before getting together with you. Don’t shop in stores that require masks without one. Businesses have rights too, and liability they have to consider.

If you want your right to not wear a mask respected, then respect the right of others to choose to wear one. Please don’t invade their space or use your voice to invalidate their choice. Don’t fall into hysterics over public service messages about masks or vaccines and go screaming, spittle flying, rants into public spaces.

And yes, I say the same to the other side.

Republicans have historically been the party that values and promotes the military. They laud the sacrifice of a volunteer army to keep the nation safe and save American lives. It’s one of the things I’ve always admired about Republicans and an ideology I share though, politically, I’m an Independent—that sense of honor.

Now there’s a chance to save American lives by a temporary, mildly uncomfortable, and demonstrably effective means. Where is your honor? Have you lost it?

You shouldn’t have to be forced, fined, jailed, cajoled, or pandered to in order for you to want to save American lives. To act to save American lives. To maintain and revere that American honor code—no one gets left behind and abandoned to die alone at the hands of an enemy.

If you’re willing to die on the battlefield (or send your children to die on the battlefield) for your fellow Americans, why aren’t you willing to wear a mask for them?



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